We grow a range of trees on our plantation in North Devon including Nordmann Fir (low-drop), Fraser Fir (low-drop) and Norway Spruce (traditional).
We care and tender to our trees throughout the year so they are in peak condition ready for Christmas. We stagger the planting so we have a range of sizes available to be cut fresh throughout December ensuring your Christmas tree looks at its best throughout the festive period.
Locally sourced and buying direct from the grower means the carbon footprint of our trees is minimal compared to imported trees from Scandinavia or even Scotland and you are guaranteed a level of freshness not always associated with more mainstream retailers.
We sell the bulk of our trees by word of mouth and referrals and have repeat customers that have been buying our local christmas trees for many years. For each tree cut down we plant another three trees!! Another very good reason to buy local!
A quality christmas tree is an essential part of your christmas celebration and we won’t disappoint!

The Norway Spruce
Lovely smell and shape tree with short needles which are more likely to drop. Keep it well watered and away from heat and it will last well. The original christmas tree for those more traditional people .

The Nordmann Fir
The most popular Christmas tree in the uk.
Deep green with a slightly silvery under side. A low drop tree that holds its needles well.

Fraser Fir
A more slender tree. A low drop , deep green with silver under side that holds its needles well .

The Noble Fir
A lovely bluey green nicely layered tree that which holds its needles better than any of the other types and also has a citrus aroma. Hard to grow .

Turkish Fir
Available from 2026, the Turkish fir will be new to the market. It’s very similar to the Nordmann Fir with slightly shorter needles but is a more dence tree.